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My Current Read of the Stock Market and the FED


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#1 blustar



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 02:34 PM

I had a combo TLC low due Jan 30/31 that coincided with my AI's expected low, but there was a bigger TLC low due Feb 1 and that turns out to rhyme with the Gann 4 + 5(4+1) = an 8+1 low due in the first 2 hours tomorrow like the 4 TD low on Jan 25th, and working off the 16+1 TD low on Jan 19...


What this means to me is, the FED likely does what people expect: likely a 1/4% rate increase... but something in the later speech or something over night tomorrow (or both) causes the market to crash into Feb 6.


For now, I believe that the "gap down, but fill the gap maneuver" theory is likely going to happen on Friday's job report. Monday should be a huge down day if all goes according to Hoyle.


My target for early Feb 1 is 3962/63 SPX (finishing the second [z] unwinding) and then the 70+ pt. B Wave rally likely (ideally 3962/63 to 4048/49 at the expected extremes).


Tonight, we have Venus semi-sextile Jupiter: last Tuesday it was the Sun sextile Jupiter and then the drop into the 4 TD low. Mid day tomorrow has Neptune sq. Rahu, so irrational exuberance kicks in once again.


So, according to my current read, I must assume we have a low and high all in the same day! The trap is being set! The sheep are being led to the slaughter! FWIW, I wouldn't bet against me here! Just a head's up.....yes.gif  BTW, My AI is looking for a 70+ point rally tomorrow...



Brad Gudgeon
BluStar Market Insights

Edited by blustar, 31 January 2023 - 02:35 PM.




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#2 pdx5


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Posted 31 January 2023 - 03:00 PM

What is your definition of a market crash? Mine is 5% in one day, 7.5% in 2 days, >10% in a week.
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#3 12SPX



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 03:34 PM

10% is a market crash, in one day, everything else is just a correction!! 

#4 pdx5


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Posted 31 January 2023 - 04:35 PM

10% is a market crash, in one day, everything else is just a correction!! 

We have not experienced 5% in one day for a long time, if my 82 year old memory is correct.

"Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year." ~ Jesse Livermore Trading Rule

#5 skott



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 05:11 PM


10% is a market crash, in one day, everything else is just a correction!! 

We have not experienced 5% in one day for a long time, if my 82 year old memory is correct.



you don't look that old

#6 blustar



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 06:18 PM

  S&P 500 Hourly Chart H&S Topping Formation 

Projects February 6 for the Low




The TLC Low Due Monday was the Same Strong TLC Low Found
 on the 16+1 TD Low Jan 19th.




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#7 blustar



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 06:19 PM



10% is a market crash, in one day, everything else is just a correction!! 

We have not experienced 5% in one day for a long time, if my 82 year old memory is correct.



you don't look that old


I'll be 69 this year




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#8 blustar



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 06:19 PM





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#9 fib_1618



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Posted 31 January 2023 - 08:47 PM

Meanwhile, the internals are now one day away from formally completing the bear market condition for all of 2022.


Since market breadth called the beginning of the bear market sequence back on January 21st of last year, I thought it appropriate to let the reader know.


FWIW and all that sort of rot.


Good luck with your forecast.



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#10 Spectacular Bid

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Posted 01 February 2023 - 09:25 AM


Meanwhile, the internals are now one day away from formally completing the bear market condition for all of 2022.


Since market breadth called the beginning of the bear market sequence back on January 21st of last year, I thought it appropriate to let the reader know.


FWIW and all that sort of rot.


Good luck with your forecast.




Thank You.  Helpful Information to many, except the original author of this post.

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