What this means to me is, the FED likely does what people expect: likely a 1/4% rate increase... but something in the later speech or something over night tomorrow (or both) causes the market to crash into Feb 6.
For now, I believe that the "gap down, but fill the gap maneuver" theory is likely going to happen on Friday's job report. Monday should be a huge down day if all goes according to Hoyle.
My target for early Feb 1 is 3962/63 SPX (finishing the second [z] unwinding) and then the 70+ pt. B Wave rally likely (ideally 3962/63 to 4048/49 at the expected extremes).
Tonight, we have Venus semi-sextile Jupiter: last Tuesday it was the Sun sextile Jupiter and then the drop into the 4 TD low. Mid day tomorrow has Neptune sq. Rahu, so irrational exuberance kicks in once again.
So, according to my current read, I must assume we have a low and high all in the same day! The trap is being set! The sheep are being led to the slaughter! FWIW, I wouldn't bet against me here! Just a head's up..... BTW, My AI is looking for a 70+ point rally tomorrow...

Edited by blustar, 31 January 2023 - 02:35 PM.