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My Hat's Off to Cycletimer!


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#11 cycletimer



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Posted 23 August 2023 - 08:29 PM

I’m 100% Long. I reversed and I’m long since yesterday (Monday). Aug 25/28 should be a high and a higher high in Sept. 

#12 blustar



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Posted 24 August 2023 - 08:35 AM

I’m 100% Long. I reversed and I’m long since yesterday (Monday). Aug 25/28 should be a high and a higher high in Sept. 

You told me last week Aug 24 +/- 1 TD. I think you second guessed yourself. I do it all the time.rolleyes.gif




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#13 blustar



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Posted 24 August 2023 - 08:41 AM

SPX Futures 4454/55 or +18 to 19, Dow -69, NDX +1%, Dr. C down ~1%, Silver down, Bonds Down. 


Here comes Wave (x) of [Y] into August 30th, today = Wave (w). 4 TD's up, 4 TD's down, then 5 TD's up for (y) of A of [Y]. Target is 4637/38 by the 20th of Sept, the FED announcement. Expect them to raise rates once again. This should be the tipping point. Normally the market starts going down after rates are lowered. May not happen this time.


Jackson Hole tomorrow is on everyone's mind. Wave "a" of [x] expected tomorrow. 1 down, 1 up, 2 down for TD's.

Brad Gudgeon




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#14 cafeflorida



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Posted 24 August 2023 - 08:04 PM

Brad - You posted on your web page a memo that indicates a crash into Sept. 6.


To me, the drift of your narrative here doesn't precisely sync with what you say in brief

form on your web page - unless I'm just dense and am missing something important between the lines.


I don't expect you to expound on the fine points of you analysis here - you get revenue from

subscriptions and don't need to explain things here to people you don't know.


Yeah Hadik does indicate a low either tomorrow or Monday.


We are all very close here to within a day or two.


With respect to TSLA, I do think that the adverse Lunar aspect to the Mercury Rx Station in 90 deg.

to it's Saturn will pull that share down into that aspect tomorrow - (the Lunar conjunction to TSLA's Saturn

tomorrow - to which Mercury is making a square @ the Rx Station).


The Lunar aspect to the controlling configuration (either bullish or bearish) is really important - and intraday

when it goes MC or IC, or hits the Ascendant.  (guys who fish know that stuff - "Solunar Tables").


TESLA's name was changed to TESLA, Inc. Feb. 1, 2017 (from TESLA Motors, Inc).  This name change

creates a new chart and new market dynamics for any entity - happens every time name changes occur.


I will absolutely will be out of that TSLA short tomorrow.  Hadik seems to always reinforce my own understanding of things.


So, to take a jag off into a slightly different direction here, I see TSLA as a kind of belwether for this market & the

tech sector in a weird sense.


You are contributing to a constructive conversation here.

#15 blustar



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Posted 25 August 2023 - 08:30 AM

SPX Futures +15. B Wave should be starting and should rally in choppy fashion into late Monday. We may have another attempted move down early today. The next cycle low is due between Wednesday and Friday next week.




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#16 blustar



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Posted 25 August 2023 - 09:21 AM

Brad - You posted on your web page a memo that indicates a crash into Sept. 6.


To me, the drift of your narrative here doesn't precisely sync with what you say in brief

form on your web page - unless I'm just dense and am missing something important between the lines.


I don't expect you to expound on the fine points of you analysis here - you get revenue from

subscriptions and don't need to explain things here to people you don't know.


Yeah Hadik does indicate a low either tomorrow or Monday.


We are all very close here to within a day or two.


With respect to TSLA, I do think that the adverse Lunar aspect to the Mercury Rx Station in 90 deg.

to it's Saturn will pull that share down into that aspect tomorrow - (the Lunar conjunction to TSLA's Saturn

tomorrow - to which Mercury is making a square @ the Rx Station).


The Lunar aspect to the controlling configuration (either bullish or bearish) is really important - and intraday

when it goes MC or IC, or hits the Ascendant.  (guys who fish know that stuff - "Solunar Tables").


TESLA's name was changed to TESLA, Inc. Feb. 1, 2017 (from TESLA Motors, Inc).  This name change

creates a new chart and new market dynamics for any entity - happens every time name changes occur.


I will absolutely will be out of that TSLA short tomorrow.  Hadik seems to always reinforce my own understanding of things.


So, to take a jag off into a slightly different direction here, I see TSLA as a kind of belwether for this market & the

tech sector in a weird sense.


You are contributing to a constructive conversation here.

Yes, I haven't changed the forecast there because it was made a few weeks ago. I'm thinking now that the final low of this drop will be between August 30th and Sept 1




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#17 blustar



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Posted 25 August 2023 - 10:20 AM

"We May Have a Pull Back Early" (this morning's call)...


I think this pull back today is an irregular low or just wave "a" of [x] and already I am seeing signs of POS D's especially on the Dow Industrials as it makes a new low. The market should rally into a secondary "b" wave top on late Monday. This should be followed by a 2-4 TD decline. My best guess is that it will only be 2 TD's for the decline to a lower low than 4335.






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#18 blustar



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Posted 25 August 2023 - 02:15 PM

I believe they could drop it hard Monday morning to the upper SPX 4340's...

I believe Wave "a" (a-b-c-) of [x] just finishing today (4418) and now we just finished an (a-b-c) 'w' of "b".. So next should be a-b-c 'x' of "b". Since we are in an [x] wave itself, X's are like a third of a third, strong hard and fast down. This will create a POS D on the hourly osc's. Wave 'y' of "b" should occur on the 4-1 TD top early Tuesday (higher than 4418, maybe 4428/30?) when Uranus > Rx late Monday. Then comes "c" of [x] into Thursday over 2 days.


  Balance of Waves "a" 1 TD, "b" = 2 TD's and "c" = 2 TD's.


Tonight Mars in Virgo trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn and Sunday the Sun in mutable Virgo opposes Saturn Rx in mutable Pisces! The moon joins Pluto early Monday in Capricorn.


The VIX is sporting an x-y-z bullish formation and that is bad for the market.


Buy the dips, sell the rallies. We are in Mercury Rx. We are flying thru the Bermuda Triangle!!! Buckle up, Buttercup...


Have a nice weekend!




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#19 blustar



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Posted 28 August 2023 - 08:31 AM

SPX +22 to ~ 4427/28, Dr C +0.33%, Silver -0.13%, Bonds Up, 3 Mo. T-Bill Down...

Charlie told me that late Wed/Early Thursday last week would be a top, that is beside the other info I have at my disposal. Today he is telling me the same thing. The Sun opposes Saturn right here and that means limitation. This could be THE "b" wave top and now we fall into THE low ~August 30/31 (???) that could be "c" of [x]. Sept 1 looks more like a VST top than low, so it doesn't make sense with my other data.


The only other thing would be what I said before and that would be a complex "b" wave into early Tuesday, so today bears watching. My preferred low this week is Thursday, but I must give room for the market to tell me what's up...If ya know what I mean...




Brad Gudgeon




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#20 blustar



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Posted 28 August 2023 - 11:48 AM

I think I have it figured out. I believe we go down into early Thursday 8/31 based on the 20 TD cycle. A little gap down on Tuesday but likely a bigger gap down on Wed. My best guess is ~SPX 4306/07 for the down side. Uranus turns RX tonight so expect the unexpected just ahead. We hit the wall with the Sun opposite Saturn Rx last night. I still think we see 4620 SPX + by Sept 20/21 before the crash into Oct 13/16.




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