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#21 K Wave

K Wave


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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:11 AM

Perhaps an indicator.....guy that I rarely talk with just started texting me like crazy yesterday about Ai stocks....


Watch Apple here.....

Edited by K Wave, 08 February 2024 - 10:12 AM.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#22 K Wave

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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:17 AM

IF apple loses 188, then watch 17600 area on NDX closely....

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#23 K Wave

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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:19 AM

Palladium got back to green after the early wipeout...now we see if it can get a foothold back above 900...if so, possible reversal brewing...

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#24 K Wave

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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:21 AM

BTC still holding its breakout pretty well...HUGE pivot with longer term implications now at 42500 area

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#25 K Wave

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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:29 AM

Apple no juice off 188 so far....if bulls cant turn it PDQ, could go cliff diving...

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#26 K Wave

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Posted 08 February 2024 - 10:46 AM

Utes still chuggin' down...in the area where sharp break could possibly come if they don't hold right about here....


Edited by K Wave, 08 February 2024 - 10:46 AM.

The strength of Government lies in the people's ignorance, and the Government knows this, and will therefore always oppose true enlightenment. - Leo Tolstoy



#27 Carlos77



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Posted 08 February 2024 - 11:19 AM

Who owns the gold?


An overlooked aspect of geopolitics is the defensive action taken by Asian hegemons and their close allies against a collapse of the Western currency system.


Unlike our economists who are overwhelmingly Keynesian, the economic tradition from Soviet and communist China was that the West’s capitalist system would collapse. Admittedly, China’s economists have increasingly studied in the West and picked up Keynesian concepts, but they remain acutely aware of the weaknesses of our capitalist system.


This is why they have secretly accumulated gold as the ultimate protection against a collapse of the fiat dollar and allied currencies. The only reason preventing China from putting her renminbi onto a gold standard immediately is that it would trigger a collapse in Western currencies, with consequences for her export industries. She will only take this action defensively. Russia would probably prefer a more immediate move to back the rouble with gold but is constrained in her partnership with China.




#28 Carlos77



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Posted 08 February 2024 - 03:28 PM

Hi K Wave

anything about gold or silver?

#29 Carlos77



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Posted 09 February 2024 - 05:43 AM

Cobden Centre film on how money is loaned into existance


Ex Nihilo: The Truth About Money


Last year, amongst others I contributed to this film by the UK’s Cobden Centre which had its premier in the House of Lords. While it is UK-centric, it has lessons for everyone. If you don’t understand the process by which banks create credit, I urge you to watch it.



The documentary film Ex Nihilo: The Truth About Money goes through how the current monetary system works, the consequences of such a system - and some ideas on how it could be reformed.

Are we headed for a massive financial collapse, or can we fix things in time?

This was premiered in the British Parliament, in the House of Lords, in July 2023; it immediately received positive reviews.


The interviews were done from 2021-2023, featuring the best experts in the world, from Federal Reserve Bank presidents, to academics, bankers, politicians, think tank managers and more. We hope you enjoy it and find it illuminating!



Edited by Carlos77, 09 February 2024 - 05:45 AM.

#30 Carlos77



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Posted 10 February 2024 - 05:38 AM

Election-Year Gold Trends & Factors for 2024




From the January to the September preceding elections since 1980, gold prices have tended to rise.

This is often attributed to the nature of the relationship between incumbent presidents and the Fed, as existing administrations put pressure on the central bank to maintain looser monetary policy to foster an illusion of economic prosperity (which presidents can then “take credit” for). Meanwhile, knowing that they’re more likely to be replaced if the other side wins, Fed chairs have an incentive to play ball.


Since the incumbent is always more likely to keep the current Fed chair in power, the tendency for sitting presidents and the Fed to work together to juice the economy remains whether the current administration is Republican or Democratic.

In that sense, the Fed is non-partisan, because it seeks to preserve itself regardless of which side wins.


That plays into the likelihood of further interest rate cuts in 2024 which would be bearish for the US dollar regardless of who wins in November. Widening budget and trade deficits, historic post-COVID money printing, an escalating war in the Middle East, and other factors are all conspiring with Powell’s (quite logical) desire to keep Democrats in power by easing monetary policy.