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SPX -- 2024


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#21 iloli way

iloli way

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Posted 02 April 2024 - 08:35 AM

Btw, ES had broken down the BRIGHT BLUE LINE in futures overnight, going to validify the ORANGE LINE next (suggested by Douglas)...


There! Congrats!



PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#22 Douglas



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Posted 02 April 2024 - 08:46 AM

iloli way, thanks for the call out.  If it breaks out of that orange triangle, I believe that classic chart theory predicts a retracement back to somewhere near the beginning of the triangle and soon.  That will require something very nasty to occur to drive it down that hard.  Crude oil is flying higher as are interest rates and gold.  Maybe a whiff of inflation will cause Powell to reverse course and suggest tightening.  That would do the trick.  Just speculating.




#23 iloli way

iloli way

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Posted 04 April 2024 - 03:05 PM




PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#24 iloli way

iloli way

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Posted 05 April 2024 - 02:03 PM

I'll update this weekend...

PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#25 iloli way

iloli way

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Posted 07 April 2024 - 12:28 PM

4/7 update: SPX cash -




See the following previous "quotes"  for how we got here.


Worth noting, since 2/22 breakout of this line, it took 29 trading days struggling to stay above the line; took only one Thursday to CRASH through that same line! Said that bears strike 8 times faster than bulls. LOL!...





Friday, Empire struck back, gapped up the day right on top of this line, desperately gasping for air, poised to resume the uptrend. The next REJECTION or RECOVER OF THE WEDGE, is the key to watch!!!


So bulls sneakingly saved the tape. Staying ABOVE LINE is still BULLISH! Vise versa is also true for the bears.


ES provides more trading details, will post later...







Posted 05 March 2024 - 09:05 AM

3/5 SPX: all about this line- she loves me or not ... as posted all along...





Posted 21 March 2024 - 10:19 AM

3/21 update:


Watch out BULLS! We are hitting the upper WALL at ATHs! again...

NO one single BO of the WEDGE ever, since 10/10/23, YET!


Posted 24 March 2024 - 11:22 AM

3/22 closed:






Take profits or short here is more prudent than chasing a breakout, be nimble though, MAY THE CHART BE WITTH YOU!


ES futures will open in 4 hours, Sunday afternoon. ES has a NEW CLUE to sell at 5123.86!



Edited by iloli way, 07 April 2024 - 12:36 PM.

PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#26 iloli way

iloli way

    iloli = I'm Laws Of Line's I(eye)

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Posted 09 April 2024 - 06:25 PM

4/9 after market:


ES small funny h&s at ATHs is still intact.


3 X top marked by 2 red arrows, and one last one in bright blue are still good.


Bulls somehow carving out a BULL FLAG so obviousely...


Bears are easy in defending their positions: the RISING WEDGE, the BRIGHT BLUE LINE, and the ORANGE LINE had been FALLEN OUT - cover shorts when these lines are taken back! - adding shorts when theses lines are rejected once again!






3/8 closed: Early bears took the trigger - BD of the rising wedge shorted intraday.

4/1 update: BD or bounce back up, BRIGHT BLUE LINE is the game now... (your orange line remains below)

Btw, ES had broken down the BRIGHT BLUE LINE in futures overnight, going to validify the ORANGE LINE next (suggested by Douglas)...






PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#27 Douglas



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Posted 09 April 2024 - 11:53 PM

iloli way, please see the parallel trend channel which has developed on your chart in red below.  The lower line of which might provide support or acceleration down if broken below.  This channel also makes the chart look a bit less bearish which seems to be born out by this week's indecisive stock market action.  Anyway, thanks again for continuing to post pictures, each worth a thousand words.






#28 iloli way

iloli way

    iloli = I'm Laws Of Line's I(eye)

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Posted 10 April 2024 - 12:11 PM





I walked into Lindey's Tired and tight Me and my Julie Been fighting all night Bankroll don't like it When I come in late We got a big beef With the small concern We must liquidate We cab down to the St. Mart For a lookie-lou They all lounging in the lobby Then we do what we come to do Lotsy goes down easy Moe takes it in the face Weinberg Brothers Run for cover Squirtin' metal all over the place There's a special satisfaction When a job comes off so right Better break out the good stuff The boss wants to party all night My Julies in the chorus On Mr. Zigfields stage My little canary In a golden cage I'm goofy on the girlie But she runs hot and cold Its a relief to get marchin' orders And just do just what I'm told Tonight we jack the convoy Two hundred barrel run Trucked in from a brewery In East Patterson Rolled in around midnight Delivered to the Speaks All out bubble, no trouble Whole crew gets to dip their beaks There's a special satisfaction When a job comes off so right Better break out the good stuff The boss wants to party all night It's just about dawn When I finally get home I find my twist With that punk Johnny Rome So I popped the both And I ankle downtown To a hop-house in the Tenderloin Need to kick that gong around There's a special satisfaction When a job comes off so right Better break out the good stuff The boss wants to party all nightSource: LyricFind



PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#29 iloli way

iloli way

    iloli = I'm Laws Of Line's I(eye)

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Posted 10 April 2024 - 12:55 PM

4/10 Intraday:


Hey GOOD JOB Doug! Keep them coming! There's a special satisfaction When a job comes off so right...LOL


Yes pictures (LINES) are worth a thousand words!


Without lines, pictures are only art; with lines, they turn to GPS!


Yes a PURPLE PARALLEL line cloned after the WEDGE TOP LINE, origin it to the same wedge bottom point, and you get the bigger PURPLE UPTREND CHANNEL. I also added a MID-CHANNEL parallel line, going through that "ONE POINT" (wait, isn't that your latest discovery?! lol), which we broke it down this morning and meanwhile retesting it for BO or REJECTION(?).


Now, slowly but surely we have established SIX LINES (count them) channel TRACKING GPS moves! Plus the TWO HORIZONTAL DASH LINES down below as the REAL CLUES FOR BEARS as said before... by then, we would know if the mentioned BULL FLAG is only a new DOWN CHANNEL.



Edited by iloli way, 10 April 2024 - 12:58 PM.

PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

#30 iloli way

iloli way

    iloli = I'm Laws Of Line's I(eye)

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Posted 11 April 2024 - 09:27 AM

4/11 open: In BEARS TERRITORY! she loves me not... SPX


Posted 19 February 2024 - 09:34 PM


Not saying this is The Break Down; but as long as there's NO Breakout of the Wedge, then BD will trigger... Good luck everyone 2024!


Edited by iloli way, 11 April 2024 - 09:30 AM.

PRICE IS KING; LINE RULES! - Laws Of Line (LOL) Trading Systems
Swing Those Lines: I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people! -- Issac Newton

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