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Trump hiccuped ....

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#11 brokenspatula



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 12:06 AM

Trump is using blackmail for foreign policy. I predict he's going to do so with Denmark and the EU from NATO, Tariffs, and everything in between to get them to give up greenland. Trump isn't a deal maker, as his past experience has proven. He just knows how to take advantage of people.


My guess is Trump continues to threaten American allies with tariffs and other acts to get them to capitulate to him. In the short term, billionaires will only become wealthier while middle class continues to decline. That's how capitalism and exponential growth works. Unless you find a way to limit exponential growth, you'll end up with oligarchs who control the country with money. The US has been heading that way for a while.


I do believe Trump will succeed with Greenland. Force the EU and Denmark to give up its control. You could pay every citizen of Greenland millions of dollars and still get Greenland on the cheap. It would be larger than the Louisiana purchase. No doubt Trump wants the credit. In 50 years after much of the ice has melted thanks to global warming, US will have reign over the sea transit from Europe to Asian. Let's not forget about all the precious minerals in Greenland. It may take 20-30 years to develop the infrastructure. It's also within bombing range of Northern Russia. 


So, long term it would work out great for the US. I wouldn't doubt US controlling Greenland by the end of Trumps term. He said no new wars, yet we have a trade war 2 weeks in.


How to exploit all this financially, is more difficult for me to get a hands on.

#12 risktaker



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 12:16 AM

Haha if my federal income tax was eliminated I could buy a new car every year and donate last year's car to charity.

and where would you drive that new car when there are no roads?


Edited by risktaker, 02 February 2025 - 12:22 AM.

#13 trioderob



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 01:30 AM

Trump imposes tariffs but Canada , China  and Mexico hit back hard

#14 pdx5


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Posted 02 February 2025 - 05:27 AM

Roads in Florida are the best in country. Smooth as glass and no pot holes. I have driven in all 48 continuous states. Worst roads are in Illinois along with bad rest areas.
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#15 Rogerdodger



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 02:45 PM

If income tax and it's reporting & penalties were eliminated, how much wasted time would be recovered and how many tax related jobs (accountants/IRS employees, turbo Tax, etc.) would vanish?


I once had to pay a big penalty for being late with a form. It was sent in very early and there was no tax due!  But I didn't mail "certified-receipt requested" because it was sent in so early. I should have sued the retarded post office for "storage fees" or the government for holding it until it was late.


A guy can dream can't he?  giveup.gif

Edited by Rogerdodger, 02 February 2025 - 02:58 PM.

#16 brokenspatula



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 02:54 PM

The  only countries who have no federal or state income taxes are those who have enormous oil reserves and can fund the government and dictators. This experiment won't work out well in the United States. It'll make the rich richer, businesses and investors who already have assets pay nothing in taxes income taxes. I assume if you don't buy anything and you just receive income through investments, you'd be better off, but majority would not. There'd be no way to pay for government services. The new administration is trying to form a shadow government - they're already doing this by firing as many workers and removing all government reporting + websites they can. They want full control over everything regardless of legality. They want full control of the propaganda. It's the beginnings of a long term power play.


At the end of the day, Middle Class doesn't need to receive help with Medicaid. They'll die. There'll be a complete restructuring of the United States.

#17 fib_1618



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 04:58 PM

Looks like he got cold feet and has delayed the tariffs to March ,,,,, if they come at all.


Could be bullish for the market if this can be combined with lower fuel prices to combat the higher inflation readings that were just released .


You STILL have no idea what's going on or who you're dealing with...just like COVID.


You should really get better information to make informed comments on.


The tariffs are on as long as both the north and the south continue to allow illegals into the United States.


They need US...we don't need them,


China is a slightly different situation.


One more squeeze on both and this will be over within a week...bring it on.



Edited by fib_1618, 02 February 2025 - 04:59 PM.

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#18 trioderob



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 06:27 PM

Fib -


you have been watching too much Fox news.



First of all a huge percentage of farm workers are undocumented aliens  ..... care to take a guess how big the percentage is ?


I have yet to meet ANYONE from white America that is going to be sending their kids into the Strawberry fields ay harvest  time  - that means costs are going to skyrocket.


as far as illegal crossings did you know that almost everyone in the Mexican . Canada border cities has a :


 "A Border Crossing Card is a laminated card that allows the holder to cross the U.S.- Mexico border as a visitor with a B-1 or B-2 status, meaning you can enter the United States for pleasure, business, or both. Compared to a driver's license, the BCC looks the same as a credit card. 

During a 10-year period, the BCC is valid for unlimited visits into the United States. "


that's right  - millions of folks just walk right on in - no climbing fences - no swimming streams 


please don't try to school me on a subject that I know more about then you 

#19 trioderob



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Posted 02 February 2025 - 07:36 PM

tariffs ,,,,, time and time again ,,,,,,, don't deliver 

#20 risktaker



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Posted 03 February 2025 - 02:34 AM

Hopefully, somebody in our congress will stop this illegal trade war…