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Bear market is over! Paging Blustar.....

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#21 xe2dy



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Posted 05 August 2022 - 09:48 PM

Peanut butter and jam sandwich? LOL! 

#22 cycletimer



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Posted 05 August 2022 - 10:17 PM

All those lentils wouldn’t benefit me, I’m a carnivore. I eat meat and green vegetables exclusively. A marbled ribeye (I don’t trim the fat off, I eat all of it) and a serving of broccoli is the most satisfying meal.

Too much meat increases your chances of colon cancer & prostate cancer after age 60.
Not to mention clogging up of coronary arteries if you do not exercise enough.

I exercise very intensely five days per week, heavy yard work on the sixth day. The problem is that due to bad genes I’m a type one Diabetic and I have to shun all sources of carbohydrates. The only options are meat and green veggies. Beef makes me feel sate after a meal, fish or poultry, I’m starving again after an hour. My cholesterol is shy high, close to 300, though my HDL hovers in the 60’s and luckily my triglycerides hover at only 100. No blood fats. The cholesterol is artificially high due to the keto diet plan which I’ve been practicing for two decades. I had a scan done, an ultrasound on my carotid artery’s and there’s no blockages.
My A1C is between 6.3 and 6.5, so for a Diabetic I’m a doctor’s dream. On the other hand I’m an uncooperative patient as I refuse statin drugs and refuse the mRNA jab.

#23 Rogerdodger



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Posted 05 August 2022 - 10:49 PM

I refuse statin drugs

Try "an apple a day"!

This 150 year old health promotion message is able to match modern statin medicine!


"A statin a day keeps the doctor away": comparative proverb assessment modelling study
BMJ 2013; 347 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f7267(Published 17 December 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f7267
    https://www.bmj.com/...t/347/bmj.f7267Accepted 27 November 2013

Objective To model the effect on UK vascular mortality of all adults over 50 years old being prescribed either a statin or an apple a day.
Design Comparative proverb assessment modelling study.
Setting United Kingdom.
Population Adults aged over 50 years.

Intervention Either a statin a day for people not already taking a statin or an apple a day for everyone, assuming 70% compliance and no change in calorie consumption. The modelling used routinely available UK population datasets; parameters describing the relations between statins, apples, and health were derived from meta-analyses.

Main outcome measure Mortality due to vascular disease.
Results The estimated annual reduction in deaths from vascular disease of a statin a day, assuming 70% compliance and a reduction in vascular mortality of 12% (95% confidence interval 9% to 16%) per 1.0 mmol/L reduction in low density lipoprotein cholesterol, is 9400 (7000 to 12 500). The equivalent reduction from an apple a day, modelled using the PRIME model (assuming an apple weighs 100 g and that overall calorie consumption remains constant) is 8500 (95% credible interval 6200 to 10 800).

Conclusions Both nutritional and pharmaceutical approaches to the prevention of vascular disease may have the potential to reduce UK mortality significantly. With similar reductions in mortality, a 150 year old health promotion message is able to match modern medicine and is likely to have fewer side effects.

Edited by Rogerdodger, 05 August 2022 - 10:53 PM.

#24 cycletimer



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Posted 06 August 2022 - 08:28 AM

I refuse statin drugs

Try "an apple a day"!
This 150 year old health promotion message is able to match modern statin medicine!
"A statin a day keeps the doctor away": comparative proverb assessment modelling study
BMJ 2013; 347 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f7267(Published 17 December 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f7267
    https://www.bmj.com/...t/347/bmj.f7267Accepted 27 November 2013
Objective To model the effect on UK vascular mortality of all adults over 50 years old being prescribed either a statin or an apple a day.
Design Comparative proverb assessment modelling study.
Setting United Kingdom.
Population Adults aged over 50 years.
Intervention Either a statin a day for people not already taking a statin or an apple a day for everyone, assuming 70% compliance and no change in calorie consumption. The modelling used routinely available UK population datasets; parameters describing the relations between statins, apples, and health were derived from meta-analyses.
Main outcome measure Mortality due to vascular disease.
Results The estimated annual reduction in deaths from vascular disease of a statin a day, assuming 70% compliance and a reduction in vascular mortality of 12% (95% confidence interval 9% to 16%) per 1.0 mmol/L reduction in low density lipoprotein cholesterol, is 9400 (7000 to 12 500). The equivalent reduction from an apple a day, modelled using the PRIME model (assuming an apple weighs 100 g and that overall calorie consumption remains constant) is 8500 (95% credible interval 6200 to 10 800).
Conclusions Both nutritional and pharmaceutical approaches to the prevention of vascular disease may have the potential to reduce UK mortality significantly. With similar reductions in mortality, a 150 year old health promotion message is able to match modern medicine and is likely to have fewer side effects.

This all sounds great but what about the memory problems associated with statins? Our brains are made up of 70% cholesterol and taking statins greatly affects memory. Im talking extremely short term memory, like forgetting g to turn the faucet off once you’re done brushing your teeth. Statins are not for everyone and they’re not for me.

#25 pdx5


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Posted 06 August 2022 - 07:35 PM



All those lentils wouldn’t benefit me, I’m a carnivore. I eat meat and green vegetables exclusively. A marbled ribeye (I don’t trim the fat off, I eat all of it) and a serving of broccoli is the most satisfying meal.

Too much meat increases your chances of colon cancer & prostate cancer after age 60.
Not to mention clogging up of coronary arteries if you do not exercise enough.

I exercise very intensely five days per week, heavy yard work on the sixth day. The problem is that due to bad genes I’m a type one Diabetic and I have to shun all sources of carbohydrates. The only options are meat and green veggies. Beef makes me feel sate after a meal, fish or poultry, I’m starving again after an hour. My cholesterol is shy high, close to 300, though my HDL hovers in the 60’s and luckily my triglycerides hover at only 100. No blood fats. The cholesterol is artificially high due to the keto diet plan which I’ve been practicing for two decades. I had a scan done, an ultrasound on my carotid artery’s and there’s no blockages.
My A1C is between 6.3 and 6.5, so for a Diabetic I’m a doctor’s dream. On the other hand I’m an uncooperative patient as I refuse statin drugs and refuse the mRNA jab.


If you are exercising hard 5 times a week, you can eat a whole cow every day and get away with it. Just one note to pass on, I do not know your age, but my experience is after age 72, I  noticed healing from injuries was taking lot longer. Therefore it is prudent to taper down from "hard" exercise. After age 72, we do not  need hard exercise, just regular exercise and keep that weight normal.

"Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year." ~ Jesse Livermore Trading Rule

#26 steadyquest



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Posted 07 August 2022 - 11:58 AM

Since this thread has already left the rails - - -


The market is in a bounce off the red level (successful breakout test?) and if/when that ends it could bounce again at the blue line.  Wondering if the banksters can continue to support the green QE line or if their asinine/evil monetary policy has finally reached the inflection point of hyperinflation, threatening a sudden and uncontrollable demise of the dollar.



#27 pdx5


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Posted 07 August 2022 - 03:00 PM

If US $ tanks, suddenly or gradually, why is that not bullish for stock prices? US$ has already tanked by 9.1% rate in June based on purchasing power. That explains why stock indexes are up. I am sure Powell is not a cousin of Volcker. Powell is loathe to increase rates unless pushed there kicking and screaming. I see inflation staying high (8-9% range) for several months to come. 

Edited by pdx5, 07 August 2022 - 03:03 PM.

"Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year." ~ Jesse Livermore Trading Rule

#28 cycletimer



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Posted 08 August 2022 - 11:12 PM

All those lentils wouldn’t benefit me, I’m a carnivore. I eat meat and green vegetables exclusively. A marbled ribeye (I don’t trim the fat off, I eat all of it) and a serving of broccoli is the most satisfying meal.

Too much meat increases your chances of colon cancer & prostate cancer after age 60.
Not to mention clogging up of coronary arteries if you do not exercise enough.

I exercise very intensely five days per week, heavy yard work on the sixth day. The problem is that due to bad genes I’m a type one Diabetic and I have to shun all sources of carbohydrates. The only options are meat and green veggies. Beef makes me feel sate after a meal, fish or poultry, I’m starving again after an hour. My cholesterol is shy high, close to 300, though my HDL hovers in the 60’s and luckily my triglycerides hover at only 100. No blood fats. The cholesterol is artificially high due to the keto diet plan which I’ve been practicing for two decades. I had a scan done, an ultrasound on my carotid artery’s and there’s no blockages.
My A1C is between 6.3 and 6.5, so for a Diabetic I’m a doctor’s dream. On the other hand I’m an uncooperative patient as I refuse statin drugs and refuse the mRNA jab.
If you are exercising hard 5 times a week, you can eat a whole cow every day and get away with it. Just one note to pass on, I do not know your age, but my experience is after age 72, I  noticed healing from injuries was taking lot longer. Therefore it is prudent to taper down from "hard" exercise. After age 72, we do not  need hard exercise, just regular exercise and keep that weight normal.

I’m age 55 and you may recall from an earlier post, I quit the corporate world and joined the police force at this age! I aced the physical agility test for recruitment, age is only a number.