Europe’s ”Green New Disaster” lessons for America
Europe is now dealing with electricity prices that have increased by 400% alongside widespread food shortages.
Soaring energy prices and crippling shortages have rippled across the Atlantic.
European governments are frantically turning back to fossil fuel energy and nuclear power after curtailing them in their rush into green energy — primarily wind power.
The key failing of wind energy compared to fossil fuels and nuclear power is that it can’t provide base load power to the electricity grid on demand because the wind doesn’t always blow.
It also can’t be stored until needed at levels required to power industrialized countries.
Of course, proponents of wind energy, doubling down on failure, insist the solution is to convert to wind power even faster, despite its unreliability.
The province’s Independent Electricity System Operator issued a dire warning that “completely phasing out natural gas generation by 2030 would lead to blackouts and the system changes that would be required would increase residential electricity bills by 60%.”
Edited by Rogerdodger, 21 November 2022 - 12:46 AM.