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Food Shortages

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#21 Chilidawgz


    A fool and his money... (the second mousie gets the cheese)

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Posted 16 January 2023 - 11:50 AM

"Mark, this is truth but disregarded by most, especially the medical community."  from my previous posting.



"Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way." Col. Potter

or as Robb Wolf says: "Trying to convince people to save their own {bleeeep} will burn you out."


my webpage I set up: Paleo


Sisson explains his lifestyle




Edited by Chilidawgz, 16 January 2023 - 11:53 AM.

Anything can happen...what's happening now?
No one can forecast the future. No one.
All stocks (ETF's) are BAD...unless they go up - William O'Neil
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#22 EntropyModel



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 12:30 PM

"Mark, this is truth but disregarded by most, especially the medical community."  from my previous posting.



"Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way." Col. Potter

or as Robb Wolf says: "Trying to convince people to save their own {bleeeep} will burn you out."


my webpage I set up: Paleo


Sisson explains his lifestyle





BTW - congrats on your health improvements!


yeah i've read all those guys, and much much more - I don't agree with their views, they are extreme and not balance - and have skewed views of science.


Let me tell u very briefly my background for context - 

 -  I was college competitive runner -  ran 4.30 mile, 15 min 5K, 32 10K, 1.18 1/2 marathon.  My brother is also top 10 national runner and almost went to Olympics.

My wife was junior level national sprinter who become anoxeric,  who parents were national athelete's and father head of Physical education in London.

Ive studied sports science my whole life, and trained/shared knowledge with top level athletes -


>>As part of that - i've literally tried/tested every imaginable exercise/fitness/trained method scientifically  and read all known science related to it and health.


Now - also - when I met my wife she had been given weeks to live in hospital wieghing 70 lbs due to anorexia -  her natural weight around 130 - so i've spent

lifetime understanding and helping understand people with that disorder, effect on health/metabolism etc  ..doctors were useless as usual and I had

to find scientific solution to metabolic damage myself - wasn't easy pre internet for library books. - this is when I first realized 'calorie crap' medical were

peddling was bogus as she woudl eat 500 calorie a day, exercise 2 hours, and put on weight! long story - taught me alot and to question 'consensus science'.


Then I also mentioned I nearly died at 40 y/o due to systemic lupus + other issues - even though i was 'health' in that I 'looked fit'( as people endlessly told me) and

could still run national level time s-  so looks/weight/fitness has LITTLE to do with HEALTH - it's as I said, as I learned, about cellular function - as I tell people, 

lance Amstrong was dying of stage iv cancer - he was 'fit as hell' and 'looked great'.


Since my condition has no cure - I had to study and test every possible 'diet/health idea' in existence - or I would be dead simple as that. I am now 55 and health measures

would say i'm healthier than almost anyone my age - I've seen 1 doctors in that last 10 years who questioned me for 1.5 hours to how i'd done it she was so shocked.

So my journey to stay alive with incurable, progressive disorder forced me to  understand health to a degree very few have been forced to, and my science background helped obviously.


From ^this journey - I confidently say I know I have a very informed view both from science and from massive experience,  likely more than most anyone you will even meet and definitely

more than 'internet/book gurus' ( ive read them all pretty much). I can tell you from this, that extreme views of health in diets- exercise and 'not optimal' .... and what IS optimal is this word 'balance' but its complicated - its the balance

 of biology with environment, balance of mind with body, balance even of we will say 'spirit' ( I call symphonic self) with your life journey. ..and there no 'one size fits' all like

''just don't eat carbs' - or 'protien' or 'fat' - because of different gene expression, gut biomes etc 


to quote me -'People want simple, they buy into simple - but it ain't simple' :-)   ...it just like people told me for years for my disoder 'oh, have you tried X, or read so and so' and I say yes, it didn't work - 

and they go 'huh' but I still was left to deal with it ... truth is a journey, a LONG journey .. most don't want to take.

Edited by EntropyModel, 16 January 2023 - 12:36 PM.

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB



    Mark S. Young

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Posted 16 January 2023 - 03:59 PM


"Mark, this is truth but disregarded by most, especially the medical community."  from my previous posting.



"Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way." Col. Potter

or as Robb Wolf says: "Trying to convince people to save their own {bleeeep} will burn you out."


my webpage I set up: Paleo


Sisson explains his lifestyle





BTW - congrats on your health improvements!


yeah i've read all those guys, and much much more - I don't agree with their views, they are extreme and not balance - and have skewed views of science.


Let me tell u very briefly my background for context - 

 -  I was college competitive runner -  ran 4.30 mile, 15 min 5K, 32 10K, 1.18 1/2 marathon.  My brother is also top 10 national runner and almost went to Olympics.

My wife was junior level national sprinter who become anoxeric,  who parents were national athelete's and father head of Physical education in London.

Ive studied sports science my whole life, and trained/shared knowledge with top level athletes -


>>As part of that - i've literally tried/tested every imaginable exercise/fitness/trained method scientifically  and read all known science related to it and health.


Now - also - when I met my wife she had been given weeks to live in hospital wieghing 70 lbs due to anorexia -  her natural weight around 130 - so i've spent

lifetime understanding and helping understand people with that disorder, effect on health/metabolism etc  ..doctors were useless as usual and I had

to find scientific solution to metabolic damage myself - wasn't easy pre internet for library books. - this is when I first realized 'calorie crap' medical were

peddling was bogus as she woudl eat 500 calorie a day, exercise 2 hours, and put on weight! long story - taught me alot and to question 'consensus science'.


Then I also mentioned I nearly died at 40 y/o due to systemic lupus + other issues - even though i was 'health' in that I 'looked fit'( as people endlessly told me) and

could still run national level time s-  so looks/weight/fitness has LITTLE to do with HEALTH - it's as I said, as I learned, about cellular function - as I tell people, 

lance Amstrong was dying of stage iv cancer - he was 'fit as hell' and 'looked great'.


Since my condition has no cure - I had to study and test every possible 'diet/health idea' in existence - or I would be dead simple as that. I am now 55 and health measures

would say i'm healthier than almost anyone my age - I've seen 1 doctors in that last 10 years who questioned me for 1.5 hours to how i'd done it she was so shocked.

So my journey to stay alive with incurable, progressive disorder forced me to  understand health to a degree very few have been forced to, and my science background helped obviously.


From ^this journey - I confidently say I know I have a very informed view both from science and from massive experience,  likely more than most anyone you will even meet and definitely

more than 'internet/book gurus' ( ive read them all pretty much). I can tell you from this, that extreme views of health in diets- exercise and 'not optimal' .... and what IS optimal is this word 'balance' but its complicated - its the balance

 of biology with environment, balance of mind with body, balance even of we will say 'spirit' ( I call symphonic self) with your life journey. ..and there no 'one size fits' all like

''just don't eat carbs' - or 'protien' or 'fat' - because of different gene expression, gut biomes etc 


to quote me -'People want simple, they buy into simple - but it ain't simple' :-)   ...it just like people told me for years for my disoder 'oh, have you tried X, or read so and so' and I say yes, it didn't work - 

and they go 'huh' but I still was left to deal with it ... truth is a journey, a LONG journey .. most don't want to take.


I wanted to add in that I know people who seem to thrive on a vegetarian diet (otoh, I know far more EX vegans than current vegans and can't see how it's a healthy diet). I also know folks who have fixed a LOT of serious health issues by eating essentially nothing but meat, salt, and water and they appear and feel much healthier.


Personally, I try to *approximate* a diet similar to what we evolved to eat. I fall down perhaps with occasional carb fests (almost entirely potato), perhaps too many hybridized vegetables, a very occasional grain (rice), and, well, bourbon. I'm certainly doing well on it and am fitter and healthier than I was 1-10 years ago. I'm a former competitive squash player into my 30's and all around athlete when I was younger. Now that I'm older, due to a number of injuries, I simply can't exercise the way I did, but I hunt and do a lot of physical work.

All the talk (here and in my SM feed) about intermittent fasting has me thinking that I need to shift our dinner time forward an hour or two. If I'm eating at 8 or 9, even if I hold off until 12pm to eat, it seems like I'm not quite fasting enough.




Mark S Young
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#24 EntropyModel



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 04:23 PM



"Mark, this is truth but disregarded by most, especially the medical community."  from my previous posting.



"Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way." Col. Potter

or as Robb Wolf says: "Trying to convince people to save their own {bleeeep} will burn you out."


my webpage I set up: Paleo


Sisson explains his lifestyle





BTW - congrats on your health improvements!


yeah i've read all those guys, and much much more - I don't agree with their views, they are extreme and not balance - and have skewed views of science.


Let me tell u very briefly my background for context - 

 -  I was college competitive runner -  ran 4.30 mile, 15 min 5K, 32 10K, 1.18 1/2 marathon.  My brother is also top 10 national runner and almost went to Olympics.

My wife was junior level national sprinter who become anoxeric,  who parents were national athelete's and father head of Physical education in London.

Ive studied sports science my whole life, and trained/shared knowledge with top level athletes -


>>As part of that - i've literally tried/tested every imaginable exercise/fitness/trained method scientifically  and read all known science related to it and health.


Now - also - when I met my wife she had been given weeks to live in hospital wieghing 70 lbs due to anorexia -  her natural weight around 130 - so i've spent

lifetime understanding and helping understand people with that disorder, effect on health/metabolism etc  ..doctors were useless as usual and I had

to find scientific solution to metabolic damage myself - wasn't easy pre internet for library books. - this is when I first realized 'calorie crap' medical were

peddling was bogus as she woudl eat 500 calorie a day, exercise 2 hours, and put on weight! long story - taught me alot and to question 'consensus science'.


Then I also mentioned I nearly died at 40 y/o due to systemic lupus + other issues - even though i was 'health' in that I 'looked fit'( as people endlessly told me) and

could still run national level time s-  so looks/weight/fitness has LITTLE to do with HEALTH - it's as I said, as I learned, about cellular function - as I tell people, 

lance Amstrong was dying of stage iv cancer - he was 'fit as hell' and 'looked great'.


Since my condition has no cure - I had to study and test every possible 'diet/health idea' in existence - or I would be dead simple as that. I am now 55 and health measures

would say i'm healthier than almost anyone my age - I've seen 1 doctors in that last 10 years who questioned me for 1.5 hours to how i'd done it she was so shocked.

So my journey to stay alive with incurable, progressive disorder forced me to  understand health to a degree very few have been forced to, and my science background helped obviously.


From ^this journey - I confidently say I know I have a very informed view both from science and from massive experience,  likely more than most anyone you will even meet and definitely

more than 'internet/book gurus' ( ive read them all pretty much). I can tell you from this, that extreme views of health in diets- exercise and 'not optimal' .... and what IS optimal is this word 'balance' but its complicated - its the balance

 of biology with environment, balance of mind with body, balance even of we will say 'spirit' ( I call symphonic self) with your life journey. ..and there no 'one size fits' all like

''just don't eat carbs' - or 'protien' or 'fat' - because of different gene expression, gut biomes etc 


to quote me -'People want simple, they buy into simple - but it ain't simple' :-)   ...it just like people told me for years for my disoder 'oh, have you tried X, or read so and so' and I say yes, it didn't work - 

and they go 'huh' but I still was left to deal with it ... truth is a journey, a LONG journey .. most don't want to take.


I wanted to add in that I know people who seem to thrive on a vegetarian diet (otoh, I know far more EX vegans than current vegans and can't see how it's a healthy diet). I also know folks who have fixed a LOT of serious health issues by eating essentially nothing but meat, salt, and water and they appear and feel much healthier.


Personally, I try to *approximate* a diet similar to what we evolved to eat. I fall down perhaps with occasional carb fests (almost entirely potato), perhaps too many hybridized vegetables, a very occasional grain (rice), and, well, bourbon. I'm certainly doing well on it and am fitter and healthier than I was 1-10 years ago. I'm a former competitive squash player into my 30's and all around athlete when I was younger. Now that I'm older, due to a number of injuries, I simply can't exercise the way I did, but I hunt and do a lot of physical work.

All the talk (here and in my SM feed) about intermittent fasting has me thinking that I need to shift our dinner time forward an hour or two. If I'm eating at 8 or 9, even if I hold off until 12pm to eat, it seems like I'm not quite fasting enough.







Yep Mark - that is first layer of complexity to add to simple 'cut this out' is people are genetically different! so what works for one person, doesn't work for everyone. 

For example carbs - some people can't eat them and causes alot problem, others like myself can't do without them - it's all to do with gut biome and gene expression.


So the 'optimal diet' and 'optimal exercise' is actually UNIQUE to each person, but figuring that out is the 'very complicated path' I went on ... It requires alot of science, alot of self experiments and observation.

The simpler version is to try different things, as you and Chilidawgz did and 'see works improves health' - and people do largely fall into groups - responders or non-responders as known in studies.


The problem is the whole arena of health has been turned into more tribal nonsense, and what is popular isn't necessarily correct or I would say optimal, nowhere near it actually.

Any diet that requires removing an entire macro be it carbs or fat or protein ..is far from optimal,  and I can deconstruct the logical and scientific failing of those paradigms easily.

For example - carbs improve T regulatory cell education, which is key to avoiding pro inflammatory interleukin feedback effect - yep, its complex ...that is my point - sure not easting carbs will

help weight loss, and blood sugar regulation but its definitely not a 'miracle health panacea' .    I would prefer use of exercise and IF over cutting out all carbs - so cut high gylcemic, and add exercise/IF,

that would produce far better results ( lots of science I won't bore this - but gene expression, intra cellular function).


Really the simplest version is 

-  try to not eat processed food 

- take periodic breaks from eating - I definitely support Intermittent fasting health benefits.

 - move around every day and don't sit too long


Now, my interest is at other end of simple->complex spectrum - the absolute scientific limit of optimization of physical/mental health ...and anti aging science ... and that gets complicated.

Edited by EntropyModel, 16 January 2023 - 04:28 PM.

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#25 Rogerdodger



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 04:46 PM

people are genetically different!


Even in the same family!

Searching Ancestry.com I have found many photos and death records of my ancestors and their life spans.

There were no fast foods not that  long ago, and skinny people, but there were fat people too.

My wife's mother was skinny but died in her 40's from ovarian cancer, after following "Established Science' and it's tons of recommended estrogen..

My mother's mother's whole family was wide and grandma died in her early 50's (breast cancer) but my mother was also wide, but 96 when she passed.

My dad was in good shape but still died at 76. His brother and sister didn't make 40. But grandma died at 100, blind and a nursing home. That ain't for me.

I have tried to analyze the holy grail of health and  longevity.

All said and done, I'm in the "countdown" years.

"Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty.

But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away."

So "Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man"


I'll drink to that!  (In moderation...or not. Who's counting?)


Mark Twain — 'I take my only exercise acting as a pallbearer at the funerals of my friends who exercise regularly.'"

Edited by Rogerdodger, 16 January 2023 - 04:59 PM.

#26 EntropyModel



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 06:23 PM


people are genetically different!


Even in the same family!

Searching Ancestry.com I have found many photos and death records of my ancestors and their life spans.

There were no fast foods not that  long ago, and skinny people, but there were fat people too.

My wife's mother was skinny but died in her 40's from ovarian cancer, after following "Established Science' and it's tons of recommended estrogen..

My mother's mother's whole family was wide and grandma died in her early 50's (breast cancer) but my mother was also wide, but 96 when she passed.

My dad was in good shape but still died at 76. His brother and sister didn't make 40. But grandma died at 100, blind and a nursing home. That ain't for me.

I have tried to analyze the holy grail of health and  longevity.

All said and done, I'm in the "countdown" years.

"Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty.

But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away."

So "Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man"


I'll drink to that!  (In moderation...or not. Who's counting?)


Mark Twain — 'I take my only exercise acting as a pallbearer at the funerals of my friends who exercise regularly.'"



Yes Roger.


I have identical twins, even they aren't identical at genetic level because interaction with environment( every bit of food you eat, air u breath, even thought u have) modifies

what's called the 'epigenome' which is a software later on top of DNA that  effects how 'genes are read' or 'transcribed' known as 'gene expression'.


>Aging is actually the accumulation of damage to cell receptors, cellular signals and also the accumulation of health limiting epigenome (could look at work of scientist David Sinclair in this area).


We are pretty close (within 10-20 years) of  being able to end aging and reset cells to youth in my view, but, that would bring a massive number of problem  so two things will happen

 - massive population reduction first

 - then only available to elites initially.


Yep, being miserable and not enjoying life is also poor outcome.  Unlike Twain however I actually enjoy exercise, and science definitely doesn't agree with him there, though, excessive

exercise is somewhat damaging.  But scientific use of exercise produces anti aging reset of epigenome and gene expression - especially high intensity type workouts and some limited endurance,

what is bad is over exercising not giving time for recovery - excessive endurance which is popular (triathalons, marathons for example), and things like Crossfit with excess high intensity leading

 to high injury and HPA damage  -  most people would get enough exercise just walking/hiking and lifting a few things once a week tbh

Edited by EntropyModel, 16 January 2023 - 06:29 PM.

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#27 MDurkin



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 06:46 PM



people are genetically different!


Even in the same family!

Searching Ancestry.com I have found many photos and death records of my ancestors and their life spans.

There were no fast foods not that  long ago, and skinny people, but there were fat people too.

My wife's mother was skinny but died in her 40's from ovarian cancer, after following "Established Science' and it's tons of recommended estrogen..

My mother's mother's whole family was wide and grandma died in her early 50's (breast cancer) but my mother was also wide, but 96 when she passed.

My dad was in good shape but still died at 76. His brother and sister didn't make 40. But grandma died at 100, blind and a nursing home. That ain't for me.

I have tried to analyze the holy grail of health and  longevity.

All said and done, I'm in the "countdown" years.

"Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty.

But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away."

So "Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man"


I'll drink to that!  (In moderation...or not. Who's counting?)


Mark Twain — 'I take my only exercise acting as a pallbearer at the funerals of my friends who exercise regularly.'"



Yes Roger.


I have identical twins, even they aren't identical at genetic level because interaction with environment( every bit of food you eat, air u breath, even thought u have) modifies

what's called the 'epigenome' which is a software later on top of DNA that  effects how 'genes are read' or 'transcribed' known as 'gene expression'.


>Aging is actually the accumulation of damage to cell receptors, cellular signals and also the accumulation of health limiting epigenome (could look at work of scientist David Sinclair in this area).


We are pretty close (within 10-20 years) of  being able to end aging and reset cells to youth in my view, but, that would bring a massive number of problem  so two things will happen

 - massive population reduction first

 - then only available to elites initially.


Yep, being miserable and not enjoying life is also poor outcome.  Unlike Twain however I actually enjoy exercise, and science definitely doesn't agree with him there, though, excessive

exercise is somewhat damaging.  But scientific use of exercise produces anti aging reset of epigenome and gene expression - especially high intensity type workouts and some limited endurance,

what is bad is over exercising not giving time for recovery - excessive endurance which is popular (triathalons, marathons for example), and things like Crossfit with excess high intensity leading

 to high injury and HPA damage  -  most people would get enough exercise just walking/hiking and lifting a few things once a week tbh


Entropy curious- are you familiar with this?  https://en.wikipedia...ptic_phenomenon

#28 EntropyModel



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 07:03 PM

Entropy curious- are you familiar with this?  https://en.wikipedia...ptic_phenomenon




Can't say that I am MDurkin 

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#29 EntropyModel



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Posted 16 January 2023 - 11:29 PM

FYI - here is an example paper on the relationship of diet - gut biome and TReg cell education.


Now, I warn you most of this is leading edge science and so not easily readable for lay people  you will get some idea of the complexity of human health, but believe me, I could

find 1000 papers i've read  on different topic, more complex. To understand leading edge health science you need pretty high level understanding of scientific method, cell biology, genetics,

and immunlogy - and that's just to start reading - I read papers hours a day for 10 years to try to solve my health issues as I had nowhere to turn for help and it was that or slow awful death,

I was bed ridden 3 years in literal agony, and couldn't barely speak or form thoughts  (torture for person like myself who was very physically active, and mentally active) with a wife and 3 small kids, so, yeah, i've come a long way and it was through reading a gazzalion leading edge papers and studying and then experiments on myself, and it took 10 years to see much progress - so, not simple in case of certain things like chronic health/autoimmune etc ..but it has let me learn pretty much 'all we know' on the subject.




I can give you a very simplified version of what this paper, and many others studies/papers are saying,

 -  that inflammation is a very complex  'feedback process' - certains things turn on inflammations, others turn it off - if that doesn't work perfectly we are in trouble health wise.

-  that alot of the controls for that are performed by the gut biome

 - the gut biome is heavily infleunced by diet - and components of fat, protein and carb all can have 'positive' or 'negative' effects, which is also depending on genetics and epigenitic factors.

for example, red meat is only 'bad' for subset of people whose gene's lead to gut biome expression of certain bacterial colonies, which convert chemicals in red meat to heart damaging chemicals.


Simpler still  I could just say

 - don't screw up your gut biome with - unbalanced diets missing key macros such as carb especially  certain vegtables contain key type fibers to produce required bacterial colonies.

 - by taking anti biotics unless you absolutely havetot - they are a disaster and medical community should have been sued for damaging so many people.( and massively in my case).

 - to many prescription drugs unless have to 0- most have damaging effect on biome

- too much processed food as FDA are as 'scientific' as the CDC .yep that bad..., and most processed food contains toxic substances to gut and body over time ( won't show up on paid for, b.s. 'studies' FDA jokingly do).


Of course - for health, we are talking LONG term timescales, which makes study and proof difficult - but we can again go from cause-effect biological observations.

Put it another way -  you can get away with unhealthy stuff for very long time ... but that doesn't make it healthy. I could eat a diet of McDonalds only for years and be fine, the issues show up way down road in most cases.

Edited by EntropyModel, 16 January 2023 - 11:38 PM.

Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB

#30 EntropyModel



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Posted 23 January 2023 - 10:17 AM


Question everything, especially what you believe you know. The foundation of science is questioning the data, not trusting the data. I only trust fully falsified, non vested interest 'data', which is extremely rare in our world of paid framing narratives 'psy ops'. Market Comments https://markdavidson.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLznkbTx_dpw_-Y9bBN3QR-tiNSsFsSojB